PCDS Members please contact for a link to the members only information until the updated page is available.

Welcome to Pierce County Dental Society!

Pierce County Dental Society is a component society for current members of the American Dental Association and Washington State Dental Association.


September President's Message - Dr. J. Perry Ormiston

School is back in session!

Dear Members,

I’ve always found September to be an exciting month. The shift to fall marks the beginning of new sports seasons and, more importantly, the start of a new school year. As children, the schools we attend and the curriculum we study are determined by our parents and the board of education. As adult professionals, aside from having minimum continuing education requirements, we have the freedom to choose our topics of study and our sources of information.

Dental and specialty journals can be excellent sources of information, but not all journals are of equal quality. It is crucial to focus on peer-reviewed journals and to critically evaluate each article. Consider the type of study conducted and its position in the evidence hierarchy. Systematic reviews published in high-quality, peer-reviewed journals should generally be considered more reliable than case studies featured in “pay-to-publish” journals.

Dental product manufacturers are crucial in driving innovation within the field of dentistry. However, in recent years, these companies and their paid key opinion leaders (KOLs) have increasingly taken on the role of providing continuing education. Often, they sponsor their own events—such as symposiums, forums, and summits—that can sometimes feel more like annual sales meetings than genuine educational opportunities. Many corporate-sponsored meetings feature the tagline “Grow your practice with…,” where the “with” typically refers to a product, procedure, or new scope of practice. It is essential to recognize that the primary goal of corporate-sponsored events and research is sales, which can introduce potential bias in the information presented or taught.

For me, the most rewarding way to continue my education is through live, engaging meetings hosted by national, state, or local dental societies. When conducted effectively, these meetings disclose any conflicts of interest, provide relatively unbiased information, and allow for real-time questions. They also offer excellent opportunities to network with fellow dentists and sponsors. I’m pleased to share that Dr. Tina Olsson has worked hard to arrange an exceptional lineup of speakers for our General Membership Meetings (GMM).

As licensed health care professionals, it is our responsibility to stay informed about the latest treatments and products to ensure they are genuinely beneficial for our patients. It is crucial that we base our treatment decisions on information from credible sources and strive to practice evidence-based dentistry.

I invite you to join me and our board on September 17, 2024, at the Tacoma Country Club. We'll begin with a meet and greet at 5:30 p.m., followed by Dr. Michi Katafuchi's lecture at 6:15 p.m. Dr. Katafuchi will be presenting on "Comprehensive Guide to Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants for Dental Professionals." We look forward to seeing you there!

All the best,

Perry Ormiston
PCDS President

The next PCDS GMM will be on Tuesday,

September 17, 2024, at the Tacoma Country & Golf Club.

Dr. Michi Katafuchi
presenting “Comprehensive Guide to Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth and Implants for Dental Professionals”

Sponsored by Edward Jones – John Schneider, Nakanishi Dental Laboratory, VOCO America, Inc.

CE Credits: 2, AGD Approved #212501

5:30pm Social, 6:00pm Buffet Dinner, Business and Sponsors, 6:15pm to 8:15pm Presentation.
Cost is $49.00. Watch for registration in your email or contact

If you are not receiving the PCDS GMM registrations in your email, please update Cindy with your correct email.

All registrations and newsletter are virtual through your provided email address.

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We are dedicated to furthering education, mutual support and better communication with the general public for the purpose of their better dental health. The Society has a Central Office to provide information on current dental issues, act as a liaison to the outside community, and serve as a support to its member dentists. Our goal is to provide this website as a resource for dentists, patients, and the community. If there is information that you feel would be helpful to other patients or dentists, please email your suggestions to

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Patient Resources

We provide free referrals to our Pierce County dentists for those patients who are looking for a new dental home, and we also have a download-able list of multi-lingual dental offices located in Pierce County

The Society has a Central Office to provide information on current dental issues, act as a liaison to the outside community, and serve as a support to its member dentists. We have one full-time staff person. The Central Office provides no-cost referral and mediation services for the public. Mediation is done for member dentists only.

The Pierce County Dental Society is proud to honor the many dentists who have participated in volunteer activities over the years. Together dentists in Pierce County donated $1,000,000 in care to low-income individuals in dental need, and participated in several oral health educational activities throughout the County.

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Questions About Your Dental Health?

Visit, the website created by the American Dental Association (ADA) for you and your family!

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Explore our upcoming educational events and opportunities

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Please Donate!

100% Of the proceeds stay in Pierce County to help those in dental need.

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Congratulations – The Pierce County Dental Foundation received over $45,000 in donations for the 2023 “A Day for Smiles” event.

All proceeds for the “A Day for Smiles” goes to the Pierce County Dental Foundation Endowment fund. The fund has a goal of $1,000,000. Once the fund reaches $500,000 it will start disbursing the proceeds for oral health care for those in need, oral health education, and to support education for dental professionals. Currently the fund has over $480,000 in donations.

The Foundation has supported several community events to promote improved oral health such as: Pierce County Dentists Care Program, Bates Free Senior Dental Day,
Tacoma Rescue Mission Free Dental Day, Pierce County Veteran’s Resource Fair, Pierce County Dental Society Children’s Dental Health Day, oral hygiene supplies for schools in Pierce County and
Scholarships for Bates Technical College Dental Assisting Program, Clover Park Technical College Dental Assisting Program, Pierce College Dental Hygiene Program.

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Pierce County Dental Society, 2302 South Union Avenue, Suite A-2, Tacoma, WA 98405 + (253) 274-9722 + + 9/9/2024 + Page Keywords: Dental Society Pierce County Washington +