PCDS Members please contact for a link to the members only information until the updated page is available.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is made up of member dentists who volunteer their time in service of the PCDS and the community. The purpose of the Board is to create oversight and direction for the PCDS.

The Board Works To:
•  Promote the elevation of the ethical standards of the profession.
•  Promote unity and harmony among dentists and the elevation of standards of practice.
•  Promote the enlightenment and direction of public opinion in regard to the problems of dentistry, so that the profession shall become more capable and honorable within itself and more useful to the public in the prevention and cure of disease and in prolonging and adding comfort to life.

PCDS Officers
President: J. Perry Ormiston
President-Elect: Tina Olsson
Secretary: Thomas Gessel
Treasurer: Tiffany Lamberton
Past President: Stuart Hersey

PCDS Board of Trustees

Guillermo Chacon
Jed de la Paz
Julie Fuller

Michael Chiulli
Sonia Pal
Karl Smith

David Ludwig
Jeffrey Osborn

Please Donate!

100% Of the proceeds stay in Pierce County to help those in dental need.

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Congratulations – The Pierce County Dental Foundation received over $45,000 in donations for the 2023 “A Day for Smiles” event.

All proceeds for the “A Day for Smiles” goes to the Pierce County Dental Foundation Endowment fund. The fund has a goal of $1,000,000. Once the fund reaches $500,000 it will start disbursing the proceeds for oral health care for those in need, oral health education, and to support education for dental professionals. Currently the fund has over $480,000 in donations.

The Foundation has supported several community events to promote improved oral health such as: Pierce County Dentists Care Program, Bates Free Senior Dental Day,
Tacoma Rescue Mission Free Dental Day, Pierce County Veteran’s Resource Fair, Pierce County Dental Society Children’s Dental Health Day, oral hygiene supplies for schools in Pierce County and
Scholarships for Bates Technical College Dental Assisting Program, Clover Park Technical College Dental Assisting Program, Pierce College Dental Hygiene Program.

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Pierce County Dental Society, 2302 South Union Avenue, Suite A-2, Tacoma, WA 98405 - (253) 274-9722 - - 2/1/2025 - Key Phrases: Dental Society Pierce County Washington -